January 9, 2013


  Mom and I get on our little kicks. This time, we are in to the Bulk Herb Store! A fascinating thing, I assure you. Being healthy and making your own tinctures, poultices, and other strange concoctions are going to be our new hobbies. So, if you don't care for the smell of earthy things, I do not recommend that you come to our home!
  We haven't gotten too many herbs yet...start small and get information...don't just dive in! This is something that takes real effort on my part. When I get an idea, I tend to delve into it with full force. Then, I don't always finish what I start. This is definitely a character flaw that needs fixed!
  So, back to healthy living, have you heard of kelp? Well, it is a type of marine algae (a.k.a. seaweed), it contains folic acid, vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, iron and other trace minerals and it is rich in iodine.
We use a bit less than one teaspoon of kelp powder in a smoothie.You may want to start with an even smaller amount.  
Everyones body is different. You might want to use 1/2 of a teaspoon or even 1/4 of a teaspoon.
It's green and tastes nasty, but, I hear that you acquire a taste for it! I pray it's true, because it tastes like saltwater.  To health!


1 comment:

  1. You should've tried sneaking some in my tea tonight! :-)
