We just returned from Haiti. It was life changing. Our team members were either from Maine or Florida (I fear the Mainers were not used to the extreme hot weather of Cap-Haitien;) Here are a few pictures between the dates of the 13th and the 22nd:
One of our first views of Haiti.
Baby Sam and I. He lives behind the mission house with his Mom and Dad.
Gram and I at the Teachers Conference.
Some of the lovely teachers:)
He doesn't speak English, so I had to use the little Creole that I knew. Gabby helped a lot! Mersi anpil, Gabby!
Jeremiah, Dad, me, Gram, Uncle Eric and Pastor Santil at New Jerusalem Baptist Church.
Me with precious baby Amy. She was five days old in this picture. <3
Dad with cousin Joshua. He was the youngest member of the team. Infact, the youngest person that Maine Haitian Ministries has ever taken to Haiti! He is twelve years old.
In the village of Labruyere, we got to paint the womans and the little girl's nails! It was one of the highlights of the day. :)
The "Mazda", was one source of our transportation...the other was the tap taps!
Me, Dad, Mr. Harding and Pastor Rosa on our way back to Cap-Haitien.
Pastors Conference at an air conditioned 4VEH Radio Center. :)
Me with a few children from the village of Bazin. The boy in the white shirt doesn't know what to think...
Gram, me and Joshua teaching the story of baby Moses to the kids. Valdine is on the far right. She was our tranlator for a few days.
Forever Friends.
The team with the AMAZING soccer players and other little children in Bazin.
Pastor Santil (Pas), Dad and Uncle Eric on Sunday June 20, 2011.
Beautiful girl.
Cousins <3
This truly was a "family missions trip" for us. I am in love with the people of Haiti.
I posted 20 pictures and took 433. So, I will prob. do more posts on Haiti in the months to come. I hope you enjoyed these. :)