A few weeks ago, we went down to Scarborough for my cousins birthday party. And while we were there, William decided, that he was going to start jumping on and off of the couch (all the while, we were in the other room preparing lunch.) So after about five minutes of having fun....he fell off of the side. Hitting his mouth on the arm of the couch, blood started going everywhere from his front tooth. After we stopped the bleeding, Will could wiggle it with his tounge. Thank the Lord, a few days later it was firming up.
So, Joseph and William decided to start jumping on Mom and Dads bed. (I think you know were this is going.) Things started getting a little to rough. But before we could stop it...William tripped. His mouth slammed into Josephs head. Yep, right on that tooth. Almost immediatley, it began to turn a gray color.
We took him to the dentist, but they said there was no hope for the tooth to firm up again. Now we just have to wait for it to fall out. And after around three weeks of not being able to eat a large variety of food, it fell out!! William is only three, and know he won't have his right front tooth until hes about seven!
Here is what he looks like now:
Still a little painful to brush...